Hola from Argentina!
If we were having coffee today, I would first tell you that I’m not drinking my usual American coffee. I’m either having espresso (which I always need at least 2 of :)) or the traditional Argentinian drink, mate. Mate is served in that lovely container you see above and is a strong, herby blend of tea. One of my favorite things about traveling is eating, drinking, and doing like the locals do!
I would also tell you that while I’ve been here, I’m done some fun things. Such as going to the zoo, where I saw some different animals that I’m used to in the states:
And these little guys roamed the grounds freely. I decided they were a cross between a rabbit and a deer:
Besides the zoo, we’ve done some other traditional Buenos Aires activities, like seeing a tango show!
Tango is a very big deal around here! We learned a bit about the history of tango and even took a quick lesson ourselves (let’s just say, we have a bit of work to do in that area.)
Other “typical” Buenos Aires favorites:
Leather goods, steak, and red wine—all great things from my perspective.
Tomorrow we are headed to a traditional “gaucho” show and barbecue, and after that we’ll be on our way to Chile and Peru. I’m most looking forward to hiking Machu Picchu! I’ll be back with some more photos and stories from our trip soon if you’re interested! Have a fantastic weekend wherever you are!