I think Fridays call for a little extra dose of happy. (!) If you agree, read on for a collection of some of my favorite things this week. I’m currently on vacation and headed to the beach as soon as I hit publish here—so that’s definitely at the top of my list. Wherever you are, I hope you’re enjoying some sunshine in the sky and in your life too!
Favorite Thing I Must Buy Immediately: Yellow Leaf Hammock. These gorgeous hammocks just scream “summer.” And who isn’t wanting that right now? Yellow Leaf Hammocks are 100% hand-woven for fair wages by artisans in rural northern Thailand and come in a variety of patterns and shades. The company is “on a mission to change the world—from the comfort of a hammock.” I’m sold!
Other Favorite Thing I Must Buy Immediately: Otter Appliqued Pillow Cover While we’re on the subject of relaxing, this adorable pillow cover can’t go unmentioned. Made in Indonesia, these soft covers provide sustainable income to artisans and their families. You can grab one of these right here on the Seven Hopes Website. Make sure it doesn’t clash with your new hammock!
Favorite Activity: Sunrise Hike. I must admit, “being on vacation” and “getting up early” don’t always belong together in a sentence for me. But at 6am this morning, prompted by some shaming by my husband, I was out the door, coffee in hand, for a hike. And I’m so glad I didn’t miss this view! Some things are worth waking up for.
Favorite Link: This “Shopping Ethically” diagram from the Let’s Be Fair Blog. “Ethical shopping” summed up very nicely:
Favorite Recipe: This deliciousness known as Hawaiian Pulled Pork Nachos. Really, need I say more?
Favorite Technique: Highlight and Contour. This technique comes from one of my favorite beauty bloggers and makes such a difference in makeup application. It doesn’t require fancy makeup or brushes; a quick drugstore run will provide all you need!
Favorite Dream: Traveling to Santorini, Greece. It’s been on my list for years and years, and hopefully will wait for me, as it will probably be years and years more before I can see it in person.
Favorite Mani: Gold glitter + Nude + Chevron. Gorgeous combo for Spring!
Favorite Funny: If you’re female, you will feel me on this. If you’re a guy, please just take it to heart, as there’s really no changing it. Sorry boys.
Favorite DIY: Dip Dye Placemats. Because, well, anything labeled DIY makes me feel like Martha Stuart and makes my husband feel like we saved money. Double win.
Favorite Furball: My own, of course. My goldendoodle, Bob Barker, is enjoying the snow a lot more than I am.
Favorite Fashion: Oh, summer. How I miss you. Are you sensing a theme here? And this look would be great with some Sseko Sandals!
I hope you enjoyed, and have a very happy weekend full of happy things!