Dawn Stary

All posts from Dawn Stary

What Inspires You?

Have you ever sat and thought about what really inspires you? What makes you tick; what you’re passionate about?  We at Seven Hopes United put that thought into what we do all the time.  The story of fair trade is an inspiring one by itself and we are grateful to be a part of making […]

Tasty Tuesday: Strawberry Shortcake

Here’s a little taste of summer for you! Strawberry shortcake is a sweet and simple little treat that works for summer or any day that you can get strawberries from your grocery store or local farmers market.  This recipe is so easy you can whip it up before friends come over or you can have […]

Martin Luther King’s Legacy

Today we commemorate the birth of one of our country’s great leaders, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. He was assassinated in April of 1968 and still 46 years later his legacy lives on.  In celebration of Martin Luther King’s remarkable life I would like to share some of his quotes that have inspired me […]