Gatsby Inspired Fair Trade!

The Great Gatsby has been one of my favorite novels since I was required to read it in high school. F. Scott Fitzgerald captures the human spirit in all of its complexity and lays it out in a beautifully crafted story. Although the book was published nearly 100 years ago the essence of the story still holds true today. And I must be honest while I love the story I equally love the clothing of the era as well.  1920′s fashion produced a remarkable style.  This weekend the latest film version with Leonardo Dicaprio as Jay Gatsby, a great pick in my opinion, came out, so I felt inspired to share with you some pieces from the Seven Hopes United collection that I feel invoke the spirit of the 1920′s.

Enjoy – Dawn

fair trade great gatsby

31Bits Elasticity Necklace

Garnet Heart Earrings

31Bits Gypsy Cuff

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