Tag Archives: wool felt birdhouse

How Tuesday: Fair Trade Wool Felt Birdhouse

This week for How Tuesday check out our video about attracting birds to one of our popular Wool Felted Birdhouses.

How to: Attract Birds to your Fair Trade Birdhouse from Seven Hopes United on Vimeo.

We chose the Mushroom Worm Felt Birdhouse for it’s simple design and colors thinking that the finches in our backyard would really be attracted to it and set up shop.

Felt Birdhouse - Mushroom Worm

Felt Birdhouse – Mushroom Worm

We’ll be doing a follow-up video shortly so you can see how our little experiment worked out! We’d love to hear if you have one of our wool felted birdhouses that have helped welcomed a little bird family :)

Have a wonderful day – Dawn