Happy weekend, all! Today I thought it might be fun to take a virtual tour of some of our artisans’ home bases. These hard-working, passionate women reside in many different regions and possess many different talents. Want to take a peek?
When I’m purchasing fair trade items, I like to stop and imagine the work and dedication that was poured into them. I like to picture the hands that crafted them and the landscape and dreams that brought them to fruition. There’s a deep satisfaction that comes from the knowing and the imagining that I just don’t get when I buy from a big-name department store. If you feel the same way, read on!
Let’s take a little trip of the regions we work with and get to know these beautiful areas and their inhabitants. We’ll throw in a typical recipe too (in case you’re having that dinner party sometime soon!) Because what says “local flavor” like a delicious recipe?
1. Uganda
Oh, Uganda. I know your red dirt roads and breathtaking sunrises hold a special place in many a heart. Both our 31BITS products and Sseko Sandals are made in Uganda. This country is in the midst of a 22-year-long war and has a long history of violence. But the fascinating landscape also sets the scene for one of the most beautiful areas of the world. Its’ unique mix of jungle and rainforest have earned it the rightful nickname “The Pearl of Africa.” Over half of the population of Uganda is under 15 years of age, so helping to make a way for education in this country is absolutely essential to the well-being of its people.
Typical Recipe: Rolex (AKA Roll of Eggs; Breakfast Dish)
From our Friends at Sseko Designs
2. Rwanda
Here again, a stunning area with a young and largely rural population. The economy is slowly climbing after the 1994 Rwandan genocide and relies heavily on coffee and tea export. Art and dance is entrenched in the culture and tourism is increasing. Many people travel to Rwanda to track the endangered mountain gorillas, of which there are fewer than 1,000 left. Our Cocoki Market Tote Bags are made in Rwanda and help provide sustainable income for families in the region.
Traditional Recipe: Isombre (Vegetarian Stew)
3. India
Our lustrous organic sateen sheets and duvet covers are made in India. This beautiful region is the second most populated country in the world. India is a deeply religious, traditional country; many marriages are still arranged by parents today and Hinduism and Buddhism prevail as the main religions. India is the birthplace of yoga; the word “yoga” comes from the Sanskrit word yuj, which means to unite or join. The heart of yoga is a joining of one’s heart and mind with the divine.
Traditional Recipe: Kheema (Indian Ground Beef with Peas)
By the way, if you have a love for a particular region of the world and want to support artisans from there, just type that place into the search box on our site and it’ll pop up all the products made there.
I hope you’re enjoyed getting to know a bit about the beautiful corners of the world where some of our products are made. Have a very happy Valentine’s Day!